Saturday, December 6, 2008

Santa's Sleigh Collapses in Mexico

It is dangerous to be Santa in backwoods Maine.

Lewiston Sun Journal - December 6, 2008

Santa and Mrs. Claus weren't injured in the Mexico mishap, "but I guess it was a sight to see," Giroux said.

Judy Broomhall, who was at the Mexico Fire Department's Santa parade, said Santa's sleigh collapsed after Santa lit the station's Christmas tree, climbed back on the sleigh and it started forward.

When it collapsed, it dumped Mr. and Mrs. Claus to the floor. The children who saw it believed the jolly old elf was hurt, Broomhall said. Someone - either a child or an adult - yelled, "You killed Santa!"

Kids began to sob.

Santa and the misses, however, were checked out and deemed to be fine, said Rumford Falls Times reporter and managing editor Bruce Farrin, who was covering the parade.

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