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Monday, February 9, 2009

A-Rod admits to using performance-enhancing drugs

From: Newsletters <>
Sent: Monday, February 9, 2009 4:48:20 PM
Subject: Breaking Sports Alert: A-Rod admits to using performance-enhancing drugs

Alex Rodriguez has confirmed during an interview this afternoon with ESPN's Peter Gammons that he used performance-enhancing drugs from 2001-03 while a member of the Texas Rangers.

"I was young, I was stupid, I was naive, and I wanted to prove to everyone that I was worth . . . being one of the greatest players of all time," Rodriguez told Gammons in an interview recorded this afternoon. "I did take a banned substance and for that I am very sorry and deeply regretful."

To read more, visit

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dear Mr. President: The election is over, and you won!

This quote from an Associated Press article struck me:

"These numbers demand action," said Obama, who plans to campaign for the bill in Indiana and Florida next week. "It is inexcusable and irresponsible for any of us to get bogged down in distraction, delay or politics as usual while millions of Americans are being put out of work."

If passing this ever growing spending bill is so urgent, shouldn't the president stay in Washington and have meetings and work on this instead of going to Indiana and Florida? The campaign is over and in case you missed it, you won. So let's leave the campaign trail and rhetoric and bring this "change" that we are all waiting for.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

'Excrutiating Decision' Necessary

University of Southern Maine President Selma Botman called it an "excruciating decision" to decide to close USM's child care center. According to the Portland Press Herald, the move will save $400,000 but cost 24 jobs and require new arrangements for 88 children (54 of those belonging to students).

Botman will be thrown under the bus by some for complicating the educational pursuits of those parents. The reality is that the University of Maine System is in bad financial shape and we support the move. After years of constantly raising tuition the sharp turn in the economy has forced them to look further inward look more than ever and these are the types of hard choices that need to be made lest we price the people of Maine out of an education all together. (Presuming there will be anyone who can afford one going forward.)

One idea: perhaps President Obama can institute a cap on college faculty and/or administrator compensation? Colleges and big business share a flare for the overpaid administrator.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

From MaineBiz: Maine 4th Worst to start a business

From MaineBiz: Maine 4th Worst to start a business

U.S. News & World Report yesterday posted an article on its website called, "The 7 worst states to start a business." It placed Maine at No. 4, citing its high property, personal income and individual capital gains taxes. But it did say that Maine is a prosperous state compared to some. "Relative economic prosperity, however, does not necessarily mean a state is a good one in which to start a business. That's because, while not poor, Maine's economy is not dynamic either."

1.         West Virginia
2.         Iowa
3.         Arkansas
4.         Maine
5.         Hawaii
6.         Kentucky
7.         Montana

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mink: Outsmarted: How Pride was our deadliest sin

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Greed, sloth, envy, gluttony, lust or wrath didn't spawn the country's financial crisis. In this case, our deadliest sin was pride.